
Thousands of digital comics for patrons of all ages. Our subscription to Comics Plus® includes digital access for every patron on desktop, mobile, or tablet. Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Find plot summaries, synopses, and work overviews, articles of literary criticism, author biographies, book reviews, author interviews, images of key literary figures, classic and contemporary poems and short stories, plus the full text of over 7,000 classic novels.

Age Group: Kids Database

LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Online for Kids is an online database of digital picture books in World Languages, that helps libraries to engage multilingual families in their communities, while allowing kids to enjoy books and learn language through the magic of storytelling.


All the info about books, authors, and series you could want! Includes book descriptions and suggests similar books and authors to read, plus you can search for different topics or Lexile.


Find a good book to read! NoveList Plus provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and much more for over 120,000 fiction titles. It also includes other content of interest to fiction readers, such as Author Read-A-Likes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Feature Articles.


TumbleBook Library collection has over 1100 titles and is perfect for public libraries and elementary schools, with content most appropriate for those in grades K-6. It includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, videos, non-fiction titles, graphic novels, playlists, and books in French and Spanish.


Catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. 

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    eMedia Library digital books     NoveList Plus